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Prep - Grade 2

Developmental Curriculum

Implemented across all grades from Prep to Grade 2 the Developmental Curriculum aims to cater for students individual interests and needs whilst fostering creativity and exploration. Explicit literacy and numeracy sessions are an integral part of each day with explorations conducted by students during Investigation Time linked to this learning. Students are given the opportunity to explore learning through various forms of play that allows students to express themselves and develop in a stimulating and open environment. Students are encouraged to paint, dress up and be involved in complex role play, draw, write, count and be a part of many other creative and educational acitivites at this time. Through this directed play children learn to overcome conflict, develop stronger social skills and become more connected with their peers and their own learning. Prospective parents are encouraged to make a time to come and see what our Junior unit has to offer.








prep - grade 2
Grade 3/4

In grades 3 & 4 students are involved in the Inquiry based approach. This runs alonside the explicit teaching undetaken in literacy and numeracy and allows for students to develop understandings in accordance with their individual interests. Each term a set of guidelines have been carefully adapted from the AUSVELS documentation.  Students follow these guidelines in order to investigate and produce work in a variety of formats.

Grade 5/6

One to one technology is available to all grade 5 & 6 students. At the start of grade 5 each student is allocated a netbook which parents lease from the school. Students use this netbook to access the latest in educational based software to enhance their literacy and numeracy skills. Using the Inquiry based approach they also explore their areas of individual interest in alignment with current AUSVELS standards.


Investigation Time

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.”



grade 3 & 4
grade 5 & 6
Visual & Performing Arts

Students have access to a wide variety of cultural experiences through the Arts program offered within the school. Students attend formal art and music lessons each week.


Sport and PE

Violet Street Primary School has a school wide physical education program. Emphasis is placed on enjoyment, participation, the development of skills and sportsmanship.


Children are supported to work both independently and in teams. Key skills are developed through Athletics, Ball Handling, Gymnastics, Swimming and Fundamental Motor Skills including throwing, catching, kicking and striking.


Violet Street Primary School students are also given the opportunity to represent the school in many different sports including Athletics, Cross Country, Volleyball, Netball, Football, Basketball and Soccer.

Sport and PE

© 2020 Bendigo Violet Street Primary School. All rights reserved.

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Corner Old Violet & Webster Street 

​Bendigo, Vic, 3550
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Tel:  5443 6411

Fax: 5441 7657


Postal Address:

P.O Box 316,

Bendigo, Vic 3552



Term 1              29 Jan - 29 March

Term 2              15 April - 28 June

Term 3              15 Jul - 20 Sept

Term 4              7 Oct - 20 Dec

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